
Transforming Inspirations Into Experiences

Drafted by: Martin Kwok (excluding “Design Evolution/ Learnings and Tech Stack)

Product: Martin Kwok

Designer: Aeri Kim

Front-end Dev: Murari Thakur

Back-end Dev: Ritesh Kumar

Last Updated: 10/01/2023

Mentor Reviewed by: Keyuri Anand

Product Demo Video

Spec Link: Palette Spec Doc

GitHub Link: (Frontend) (Backend)

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Color Your Journey: Meet Palette

When does the travel bug first bite you? Is it when you stumble upon a breathtaking photo on Instagram or read about a hidden gem on a travel blog? Why do most travel tools in this oversaturated market only kick in at the booking stage?

Introducing Palette - your travel companion from the very beginning. We believe the journey starts long before you book your flight or accommodation. It begins with that spark of inspiration, that desire to explore. Palette is here to ensure those sparks don't just fade away. We help you consolidate all those scattered travel inspirations, organizing them meticulously. So, when the time feels right, or when wanderlust strikes, you're not starting from scratch. You have a palette of inspirations, collected over time, ready to be transformed into your next great adventure.

Problem Space

The modern traveler's journey often begins with a spark of inspiration from various digital platforms. However, the current travel planning landscape is fragmented, leading to challenges in consolidating and acting upon these inspirations.

Problem Statement